Jackson Holliday

I'm a


Welcome, my name is Jackson Holliday! Full-Stack .NET developer based in the Triad of North Carolina, and active in my job search. I am a Graduate of the Coder Foundry Program and have built two enterprise level applications and five coding challenges that you may review below. I have also done a few exta projects as well ranging from a Movie browsing site and a learning journey thru Blazor! I am versed in the following technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, C#, PostGres SQL, MS Visual Studio.

Personal Photo

Full-stack Developer & Web Developer.

Aspiring Full-stack developer with crafty projects under his belt and many more to come.

  • Phone: +336 382 0773
  • City: Oak Ridge, North Carolina
  • Email: jaxholliday@gmail.com
  • Freelance: Available

It's but a sliver of information however, if your looking for more, feel free send an email at the form below!


If your interested to see some of the projects that I have been working on feel free to check them out, I'm sure you'll enjoy them!



Check out some of my JS work! These may be simple to most but they can really tell a lot about someone, I'm sure that it will about me.

Sunset Hills
Sum of all Fears
Sunset Hills
JJJ Revamp
Super Dog


If curiosity about me has peaked your interest, here are just a few commodities about me from completed works to some side hobbies of mine.


Hobbies Computer building, Computer Repair, Soccer, Swimming


Projects/Challenges Portfolio, Bugtracker, JS Challenges


Blogs Written For fact lovers


Star Coder Nominee Nominated for star coder for a group Mortgage Loan Calculator


I have been trained to be fluent in five programming languages, Visual Studio and use PgAdmin for PostgreSQL. I utilize Heroku for deploying my .NET projects.



Andrew J. Holliday

Innovative and deadline-driven Fullstack Developer in training, aiming to be the best.

  • 1231 Shields Rd. Kernersville, NC 27284
  • (336) 382-0773
  • jaxholliday@gmail.com

Professional Experience

Data Entry Clerk

April 2020 - Ongoing

PDJ Inc, Kernersville, NC

  • Input data into the company system via software “Housecall Pro”. Data included customer information. Would go back and edit it if needed.

Web Software Engineer

September 2020 - February 2021

Coder Foundry, Kernersville, NC

  • Created 5 primary projects, including:
  • A portfolio and blog site using C#, MVC, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JS & Jquery.
  • DragonTracker/BugTracker - Fully designed and developed multi-functional issue tracker web applications, implementing enhanced roles & security, including a Code-First relational database designed and modeled in PostgreSQL.
    • Built with .Net 5, MVC6, C#, LINQ, PostgreSQL, Entity Framework, PgAdmin and jQuery DataTables.
  • HadesBlog- A blog site consisting of diverse technical topics
    • Built with C#, MVC, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JS & jQuery.
  • HadesPro- A movie browsing application allowing one to view movies current, old and future releases. With details consisting of actors, summaries and more using the TMDB Movie API.
    • Built with .Net 5, MVC6, C#, LINQ, PostgreSQL, Entity Framework, PgAdmin
  • ContactPro- A secure, multi-tenant contact management application.
    • Easily organize contacts and search by name or category
    • Email individual contacts or entire categories
    • Built with MVC in .NET 6, Postgres, and Bootstrap

Customer Service Associate

March 2017 - January 2020

Whole Foods Market, Greensboro, NC

  • Provided a high level of customer service to all who entered the store.
  • Respond to customer needs, providing product information, aisle locations, back stock checks, and price verifications
  • Handled products and equipment in accordance with food safety and safety guidelines to ensure a safe shopping environment.


If any of my works or criteria fits your needs today, please feel free to reach out to me! I'd love to hear from you!


1231 Shields Rd. Kernersville, NC 27284


+1 336 382 0773